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Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing Advanced Social Media Marketing Service
The process of social media activity with an inclination to attract potential visitor groups towards the website content is called Social Media Optimization (SMO). SMO is an essential part of many major online methods that are linked to website optimization. It is closely linked to the other method that is search engine optimization (SEO).

Social Media Optimization can be categorized into two sections:
  • Social media characteristics included in the original content. These include sharing buttons, social news, RSS feeds, polling tools, user ratings, third-party functionality incorporation like images and videos.
  • Activities that have a promotional element linked to social media apart from the content promotion. These include blogging, status posting, participation in group discussions, commenting on blogs, blogging and status update posting over profiles present on social networks.

Though SMO is a part of Search Engine Marketing yet there are several differences between the two methodologies that focus on pulling traffic from various sources apart from the search engines. However both SMO and SEM when carried out successfully result in improved search engine rankings.

Social Media Optimization Services is a viral marketing technique where the advertising of is done by means of networking mediums like video’s, social bookmaking, photo sharing websites etc. Engaging the website with blogs also helps share content by means of RSS present in blogosphere and other search engines linked to special blogs.

SMO is an integral element of online reputation management or even the Search engine reputation management strategy for those who are very devoted towards building their online presence.

At The SEO Portal we offer Social Media Marketing Services that are designed so competitively that your company will greatly benefit by its strength in defining your brand essence all across the market by means of social networks present online.